Girls in society - importance of education / educate girls; Save the daughter!

1. Introduction 

2. Girls - Reformation of society through education 

3. Role of woman in the present age 4. Women! Male Equivalence 

5. [Conclusion]

 Good education is the mainstay of any country's progress. In Indian culture, if there is an invaluable gem that matures in the oyster of education, it is a woman. But only a jeweler can judge a diamond! The conservative class of the society believes that, ‘the intellect of a woman is like water. But how do those conservative lunatics know that there was no man but a strange woman who shone golden rays on the throne of Delhi for sixteen years. If there was a worker at its base, it was an educational philosopher's stone. Just as iron is turned into gold by the touch of a philosopher's stone, so is the touch of a philosopher's stone in the form of education. Women's education is important today for the salvation of women. Swami Dayanand wrote that if a man is educated and cultured, he alone becomes useful; But if a woman is educated, sensible and competent, then the whole family will prosper ... To eradicate the existing social vices, to get rid of superstitions and superstitions, woman education is necessary. In today's age, if women are educated, 33% reservation will not be required. Society will become a society in the true sense. If women are educated in today's age, there will be no need for literacy campaign; Because children will get their early education from their mothers, there is not a single area of ​​the universe where women have not started. If women have climbed the ladder of achievement that men are ashamed of, it is thanks to today's education. Because of the skill of education, the sale of girls from today's society, child marriage, alas! The vices of woodpecker obsession have come to an end. In a patriarchal society, a woman is no longer a toy in the hands of a man who can dance or play as if he wanted to dance in the four walls of the house. Because woman has now become a male counterpart. An educated woman has fallen on the ground to expose the deeds of today's society and conservative class and her education is Yashkalgi. Yesterday's woman was burning in the fire of dowry, living in the four walls of the house, but today? This is not the case today. Today's woman has reached the field from science and literature to Raj Karan. The examples of Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Sheikh Hasina, Chandrika Kumaratunge etc. are right in front of our eyes. Women like Ritumbhara and Uma Bharti have become good speakers. Women like Kiran Bedi can also win the Macy's Award by differentiating their personalities. Women like Vinodini Nilkanth, Hansaben Mehta, Ilabahen Bhatt etc. have also become good writers. - What is the root cause of all this? Education only! How many students are getting education in many institutions in Gujarat today, which will make the future of the 21st century brighter! The present government is implementing a number of good schemes for the development and promotion of girls' education. Thus, in today's age, women's education is of utmost importance. If women are given higher education we can have more sensible daughters, more loving wives and more civilized mothers and they are the ones who have devised a better civic key in which there is no room for doubt. In the end, every parent has to pull the chariot of girls' education. Daughters, have to be taught. The cheetah society has to do that. If he studies Di Kari, his parents 'house and his in-laws' house will be swept away. '

Daughter's marriage


1. Bhumika 

2. Vedic practice of marriage 

3. Kanya's mood 

4. The decisive condition of relatives 5. Karuna Prasang despite Mangal? 6. [Conclusion]

In Indian culture and especially in Hindu society, a tragic Mars occasion that touches every single family to turn that daughter in-law - Kanyavidayano! The occasion which made Palitaputri Shakuntala cry while turning her father-in-law into a father-in-law, is a heart-wrenching event that has been going on since time immemorial of our Hindu marriage ceremony. The reality of handing him over to an unknown house and a stranger when he is raised by his own life, when he comes in front and stands up, only his father-in-law knows what will happen to him! In Hindu Lagnotsav, the process of 'Kanyavidaya' is very significant in many small activities known as Ganapati establishment, Mandapmuhart, Graha Shanti, Hastamelap, Kanyadan etc. The tragic situation of the bride's farewell is created and seen in some of the rites that are performed quickly and high before the bridegroom leaves and the groom returns with the bride. Everything seems normal as long as the bride-to-be receives the blessings of the elders of both the parties, puts a kankuna on the barsakh of the five adjoining houses, and worships the Ganapati installed in the bride's house; But then the bride gets separated from her husband and clings to her mother. Holding the brother's hand, he anoints the tears, when he finally embraces the sisters, the shadows and open cries have already begun, then the vehicle in which the bride has to sit and bid farewell is worshiped - the holy water is sprinkled on the wheels of the vehicle. . The groom is arranged in the vehicle but the bride? His condition is like that of a hung king. There are tears of joy in one eye and tears of separation in the other eye. His mind is in a dilemma. On the one hand, going to the husband's house is a hidden pleasure, but in this quadrangle, that pleasure has vanished. There is only a glimpse of suffering. The condition of the bride's mother is extremely compassionate. It does not speak or see. Seeing her daughter's face, she burst into tears. Janeta eventually has to sit there and there. Other relatives pick it up by waving it. The daughter is called Parkun Dhan ',' Elephant court and daughter is adorned by father-in-law 'etc. The bride's father is also very sad, but there is also a hidden satisfaction that comes from a big responsibility. Such is the glory of Kanyavidaya! So the ocean of Ramananda is floating in everyone's haiya! Bed - Vaja, Dhol - Nagaran, Fekdani Ramzat, Mandap. In this context, a poet has said very truthfully that - n is an opportunity for joy, but not for the mind! In other words, the wedding is a happy occasion. This is going to be on the side of both the bride and groom forever, the only karashar, the bridegroom of the year, everyone is crying.
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