Autobiography of a light pilot of Broken flight

The circular po has disappeared and the stigma has spread on my face. Today I am going through the last hour of my life. Right now my strong wings are broken) My birth story is very interesting. It was made with the help of different materials and new machines from far away countries. The magicians of science in that underground factory in Russia were very carefully the key to my creation. I was fighting! Plane, I have a big answer. Duman's country was ahead of Bombay and this was my origin to make this rain and Dumin's sour. Death in the palm of my hand still haunts me today: The first day at Pudukiya Airport, it was written in my destiny to do the deeds of many small worlds like mine. There were hurricanes. Some of the planes were armed and flew out of them and some of them disappeared in an instant and never returned. Some idiots came back. But there was no shortage of planes taking Vijpara back to our mouths. 

Seeingg them, I had a strong desire to fly for victory. That desire is true; But too late ... All eyes were on me in the terrible situation of the war. I was tested. | The planes took up position in me and I set off on a triumphal procession carrying a quantity of grenades and explosive bombs. There was a unique joy in my rise, there was also a sweet confusion. Today's spoiled game was to be repaired, | How many territories did I reach again in the land of Dumino! From the balcony of the abyss, I ate meat on the ground. With terrible, thunderous my planes started bombing. The earth was engulfed in flames. 

Enemiess fell to the ground. But as soon as he recovered, he rained bullets from machine guns. Life and death are frozen. I did not fail to turn the tide of enemies. The plane took me upstairs in an hour, not in an hour, the joy of duty was not there today. Enemy planes surrounded me. I started playing seven. But in the end, the enemy's gale became my wing. My vitality began to decline. My hero Vimani and his early comrade Mabhom were martyred. My petrol tank caught fire. 

I stumbled and came to a spring far away, but today I am free from all the airmen, I have fallen alone in one corner of the enemy's land without a plane, yet my mind is filled with the satisfaction of patriotism and duty. Row: Is there any less misfortune to live a good life and die? I remember that the lack of that one poet was burning.

If a human tongue is cut out ..!  

 1. Usefulness of all the organs of the human body
 2. Special importance of the tongue 3. The condition of a human being without speech to the tongue 
4. Some laws of the tongue being a leaf 
5. [Conclusion]. 

 We shudder to think of a human being without a tongue. The basic difference between an animal and a human being, which can be seen and heard with the naked eye, is that of this 'speech'. There is no value in the gift of speech that God has given to man. Thus, every single part of the human body, alas! Even nails and hair! Is priceless and unavailable. Hands, feet, nose, eyes, ears, brain, kidneys, lungs, heart - there is no such thing as an internal organ. Everything should be and only if there is a man - thirty-two traits - man can lead his life in peace and tranquility. God has not placed in the human body a single extra limb like a goat's neck; And the life of a human being does not run more than the life of any of the given organs, in these circumstances V.IP. If the organ is stripped from the human body, then the question is whether the human being deserves to be called a human being. The great comedian and profound philosopher himself. Shri Jyotindra Dave has proved by making many logical arguments that, ‘Man means tongue, speaking and eating - the two biggest functions of the world are playing a small tongue. One cannot imagine what happens to the lawyers, salesmen, hawkers, teachers, leaders, actors, etc. whose business is run by the tongue alone. Once the coat is closed, the school is closed, the theaters of cinema and drama are locked because “Who is interested in watching a silent film? Also, the tongue is gone and so is the music! When all the fun of radio and TV is gone? What happens if Lata Mangeshkar, Amitabh Bachchan, Dilip Kumar, Amin Sayani all become dumb? Just imagine! You will tremble from head to toe! If the tongue is gone, all the joy of life will be taken away, there will be nothing like joy in life. Let the dumb mute return like all idols and let the progress of this earth be pushed back one lakh years! Yes, some would even say that there are many benefits to losing a human tongue! Our 'opportunistic mind', which is always on the lookout for benefits, will say, 'Hush! Noise pollution will be greatly reduced, rumors will stop spreading, control over Sindh-Kuthali will come and the biggest benefit will be that then there will be no sign of 'Vayudho' i.e. 'Kajiya-Kankas'! Someone has rightly said - 'The thing or person that is not (absent or snatched away). Only then is the value of his presence measured. The same is true of the tongue. We do not go to the tongue until the tongue is alive, spoken by the tongue, eaten; But sometimes when the tongue gets blistered or the tongue gets crushed between the teeth, we understand the importance of the tongue in those moments of pain. So far we have hardly imagined that - 'What is a human being like without a tongue? 'But right now these moments are only when the human tongue is snatched away! If your whole Khan starts thinking by focusing on that subject, then there will be terrible thoughts to such an extent that 'tongue will stick out', right?
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