The art of lying ...


1. Various arts 

2. Where to get training to lie?  

3. personal fall 

4. Examples 

5. Consequences of lying 

6. [Conclusion] 

One more art like 'art of flattery', 'art of getting free', 'art of doing bad', 'art of stealing', 'art of singing loudly' here Introducing and that is the art of lying! These are all arts. It is an art in which man assumes the original form, color and shade. If the art of lying is most prevalent, it is in the new generation, among the youth, among the brothers and sisters of the school-college! Why does this happen? The atmosphere of the home fills the baby. Even in school, the color of association plays a part in the development of the child, the knowledge or ignorance that a child educated at home, on the street and at school receives from the air remains a reflection throughout his life. The years of study are also years of crafting and masonry. Exactly what a child or a teenager sees or hears in this period also leaves an indelible impression on his mind. But also on the path of imitation. Instinctively, lying is easily mastered. The elders who learn from the elders are the first to be deceived by lying. Thus the training of lying is obtained only by the mirror of society. Call it the art of lying, call it craftsmanship, it all goes in one direction - studying personal fall. A lie calls a hundred lies. As the lake fills up, the Mansarovar gets dirty. Lying in the smallest detail is commonplace in today's society. The talk of hatred for lies was on the sidelines; Its rapid development leads to destruction. In politics, in business, in conversation, the utterance of lies is considered cleverness today, the self-experience of teachers in schools and colleges says that as the student becomes richer, more handsome and terrible, such students are spreading their hypocrisy by assuming sheer innocence on a false face. Wearing the mask of humility and discretion, everyone becomes a colorful worshiper of "lies". How can this be exposed? Sometimes there are other bills to expose such. Pir of a liar, chief of a swindler, bastard of a bastard, such special titles are found by some in the society. When a group of liars are always moving in the same thought-practice of selfishness, benefit, their own benefit, then pity comes. Even a false statement for the sake of momentary gain sometimes creates a terrible "panipat". The more intelligent and sharp the intellect, the more and more lies. And become corrupt. The fashion to become proficient in lying is especially prevalent among those who have little money. There is no doubt that society will not be able to develop as soon as it is abandoned. By making the ‘art of lying’ a ‘subject’, the basic intention behind writing an article or essay on it is simply to keep people away from this bad habit of ‘lying’; And people who deceive people - society - by lying for the sake of a few momentary benefits, are actually deceiving themselves by the vices of self-deception. How much is there if it is understood?

Youth means spring of life 


1. Youth is like a boat 

2. adventure 

3. Ideal craze 

4. High spirit 

5. Immeasurable power.  

6. Expensive Ratan 

7. Steering and need for a captain.

 Youth is like a boat. Sagar - It is full of all the materials of the journey. The youthful boat is strong. Its sails and ropes are loose. He could withstand the gigantic waves and the gusts of wind. Just don’t steer it. Therefore, it is quite possible that it gets stuck in Bhavsagar - it goes up in a cycle. Youth has ambition. He wants to tame the sky; He wants to descend into the abyss. He wants to achieve new things. It wants to surpass the area of ​​the ocean of life. His goals are high and he can't jump without aiming. Youth is the treasure of adventure! His adventurous spirit is not overwhelmed by the thought of security, he is not afraid of sorrow and grief and does not recognize defeat. ‘Come home and fall’ and ‘Come what may! 'These are his life mantras. Youth is fearless. There is no fear of the supernatural or the supernatural. Youth is idealism! Ideals are the lifeblood of his mind. Achieving those ideals is his life's duty. That is why he despises the realities of life. Youth is a high spirit! The heart of a young person is colored by feelings and emotions. It is pulled in the rage of emotion. He is ready to make any sacrifice for the country, relatives, friends etc. Selfishness, deceit, etc. have no place in his heart. Youth has immense power! It is from this infallible power that it constantly drips with joy, excitement and excitement, and it is because of this power that it can withstand the storms of life. The foundations of any strict monarchy can be shaken. Taking Kanti’s footsteps, he turns around and jumps only after achieving it. Because youth has all this, it is a precious gem of the nation. He carries the torch of revolution in front of his country, which is stuck in a storm. The youth have been at the forefront of all the revolutions that have taken place in the world so far. Youth has so much, but not the helm and so the youth of the nation when the storm rises, the sabotage. Turning to activity, endangering revolution, wise thinkers argue that - what happened to youth? "The only answer is that nothing has happened to youth. Youth has happened." The cascade of power has begun to flow. Now, if it finds the right helm, that power turns in a constructive way and if it does not get the helm, it turns in a rebellious way. Discernment of discernment! Enthusiasm, joy, zeal of youth are all welcome, but there must be a steering wheel to guide the survey in the right direction. If not, its power is wasted! It is not enough to just lead the way, the youth should also have a good leader. In the same way, the youth should find a good leader, a mentor. Sometimes the activities of the youth fail because they have not got the right mentor. And through them the miraculous youth has everything; meeting the helm and the captain, they all flourish in the perfect art, get achievements.
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