Early rising


1. The two positions of the sun - rise and set 

2. The semantics and mystery of this proverb 

3. The attitude of the world 

4. The selfish man 

5. [Conclusion]  

You would have thought that all these sun devotees have come together to give half to the sun!  All the tourists or travelers have gathered in groups to observe the setting of the setting sun just out of curiosity or pleasure.  No one likes the setting sun.  The rising sun is a symbol of our progress.  It shines a light on our lives.  It fills our hearts with new colors of hope so this world is so selfish that all worship the rising Ravi.  This is a world that enjoys seeing the scene of an accident or disaster.  No one supports the one who is falling or getting worse or no one stands by him.  This eternal truth is hidden in every sphere of life.  When a new creative star shines in the literary space, people and critics start praising him.  Whether it is going abroad for business or getting first number in an examination, getting elected as an MLA or being overwhelmed by the "hero" or "heroine" in the film world, he becomes mad and ready to pay homage to them.  A bunch of flatterers seem to be moving around him.  All are relatives of selfishness.  How well this proverb fits into practice!  Once he is ousted from power, then he is a bureaucrat.  In a government job like this, the one who goes to the one who has been displaced or deposed in politics is the second!  Now all those who are growing to run towards it with defeat in their hands.  Are coming to power, have won the election!  : People worship the rising sun, that is an eternal truth.  Praising the one sitting in the car, putting one's hand in the beard of the one who needs it and siding with the one who is in the limelight now - all this is the result of selfishness.  Human nature is such that it worships the rising sun and bows down to the one sitting on the cushion or chair.  There are many motives, directly or indirectly, behind this attitude of worshiping the rising sun.  For some selflessness, courtesy and discretion, it is not that they will worship the rising sun, but most people do not return without the benefit of red.  Such people start worshiping such rulers or cronies without seeing any character, only when they want to gain selfishness, to get financial benefit, why to get big or to increase their social prestige!  Our souls get burnt when we look, but what happens?  In this country, in the name of democracy, in this country, the tendency to worship the rising sun of power sometimes leads to the worship of powerless or unskilled human beings.  Then what if the foolishness of worshiping the knowledge, wisdom, skill, cunning of the whole world who are 'growing' is not a sign of our downfall?  With such a feeling that all such things are in him, the common people come to worship him.  Only for the sake of money or money.  It is the same wisdom to give up Pui.

A human being can only climb with his tongue


1. Ascending with the tongue 

2. Falling with the tongue 

3. Importance of the tongue in international relations 

4. Advantages of materialism 

5. Spiritual progress 

6. Selfish relationship with Jill Exception.  

Tongue plays an important role in every man's life. There is poison in it as well, it can make a wedding anniversary and it can make a wedding anniversary or a man can come high with his tongue. The sweeter and wiser the tongue, the faster its progress. If he does the job, he conquers Seth's mind with his sweet tongue; As a result, his salary increases every year. If he is in a government job, he can get the favor of a superior bureaucrat and he can be promoted easily. If he is a trader he gets the tea of ​​his customers and his business flourishes. But as the tongue lifts a man up, it also lowers him. If the servant speaks rudely or indiscriminately, his job is gone. If he doesn't speak fluently with the shop or the office or any other job, they start digging the foundations of his downfall. If a trader responds rudely to his customers, if he does not respond to them discreetly, his house will be broken. In the same way, if there is bitterness in the tongue of an industrialist, his goods should not be consumed, and if he speaks in any way in negotiations with the labor leaders, a strike will be on his head. After rising high in politics, if one shows arrogance in his speech, his career will be erased prematurely. Art is the art of the tongue. It can be very useful in politics. A good leader wins the hearts of the people with his art and achieves a high position. Hitler, Mussolini, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Disraeli, etc. were fond of this art. Indonesian President Sukarno enchanted millions of listeners with his architecture. The tongue is the main weapon of lawyers. That is why they often win and kill. Even in sattvic and spiritual life, one comes up with the tongue. The man who speaks the truth and does not condemn anyone so shows compassion goes high; And the man who tells a lie slanders another. Kuthali, talk or show pride is degraded. We know that the penance of many sages who showered Kodhagin from the tongue has been washed away. The tongue maintains health and also harms health. The person who controls his tongue and eats stones and proportionate food is in good health and he lives forever. But the health of those who enslave me is deteriorating. He often falls ill. Weakened and unable to work, sometimes it does not matter what a man says on the day of ascension. If rich men say harsh words, people will support them. Listening. In the image of the Prime Minister, despite playing, people greeted him with love. Even though the gods respect him, but the bitter tongue eventually brings down. The little man is beaten like a string, so he should use it carefully.

Satisfied person are always happy

1. Introduction 

2. The Proverb 

3. The Life of a Dissatisfied Man 

4. [Conclusion]

There is a well known verse in Sanskrit.

He is very poor, he has a great desire. The poor of the self-satisfied.

I mean ... the only person whose craving is abundant is human. Whose mind is always satisfied or satisfied, then who is rich and who is poor? In this world there is a line between rich and poor, happy and unhappy.

Happiness, luxury, luxury, luxury of living in bungalows, hobby of owning a van or car like Maruti, longing to travel abroad, all these have to remain. Human beings wander in search of happiness but very few people enjoy true happiness or peace of mind.

Happiness or peace is not in material facilities or resources but in the mind or distance of human beings. Dissatisfied

People get as much wealth as they like, even if they get to enjoy Sahyabi or Vaibhav, their craving, longing to get more and more

Never complete. Such people seem to be more miserable. No matter how much wealth there is, there is fertility

Yet without satisfaction everything is useless. Satisfied males are always considered happy. Satisfaction is the name given to human beings who get enough wealth as per their need and experience happiness. Satisfaction should never be construed as a human being's satisfaction in any poor or miserable condition, not trying to improve it. Man must strive to make his life situation, family happiness richer and better. But he who is happier than himself or burns his soul to see the rich can never find true happiness. Jealousy

He will never be satisfied if he stays in the shadows. Satisfaction is the holy virtue of the soul. Haiyu, man or heart of a contented human being is always in joy and enthusiasm

Remains the same. He does not worry about anything. Even with less comfort he can enjoy the sattvic vs. life. He never blackmails the rupee. Seeing one's palace does not make one's cottage. At least he is satisfied so his life and the lives of his family members go on smoothly and in the right way.

If there is dissatisfaction in the mind, many sorrows are born. Dissatisfied men and women swing between unlimited desires, aspirations and ambitions. He also engages in immoral activities, as a result of which his enemies increase. The water turns again on his reputation. Anxiety due to anxiety, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction - A person living in mental stress cannot even sleep peacefully for six-seven hours at night. As a result, his health deteriorates. It becomes diseased with body and mind. Dissatisfied human beings, if they often fail or despair, turn to fall or even suicide. His whole life is burning in the fire of dissatisfaction.

Satisfaction needs to be limited to material comforts. Satisfaction is never a hindrance in matters like enlightenment, religion, morality or character development. When dissatisfaction is a blessing. The great discoveries of the world have been made in the longing to do some good research. At the root of which is sattvic dissatisfaction. Yet with a strong longing for progress, the outlook on life must be satisfactory. The male who satisfies me is always happy.

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