1. The horrors of the two world wars
2. What will the third world war be like?
3, let the scriptures blind behind
4. the possibility of the extinction of mankind
5. the aftermath of the third world war.
In the words of a scientist named Einstein, "Mankind must renounce war if it is to survive. The hanging sword of World War III is looming over the world. Today's world is sitting on top of an active volcano of nuclear weapons. There is no denying the possibility that at any moment this volcano will erupt and the world will be plunged into the devastation of World War III. World War II killed millions of people. Demon cannons, planes, incendiary and explosive bombs, submarines, fierce tanks, self-propelled grenades, destructive weapons, etc. were used in this war. Dangerous bombs, such as the neutron bomb, which has many times more destructive power than the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb, have created so much danger that the human race will be wiped out. What a black car it was to wipe out two large cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in one fell swoop! Amidst the explosive and tense situation that resulted in World War II, even the smallest conflict between the two countries, the one who lives on the high ground today, ‘Will it happen tomorrow? 'She is living in fear. If the third world war breaks out, the world has come to realize that if the third world war breaks out, even the victors of that war will not be in a position to enjoy victory. Countries such as China, Russia and the United States have the latest inventions of missiles, flammable and explosive nuclear warheads, fierce tanks, artillery supersets and jumbo jets, submarines, destroyers, etc. It can be said that the third world war will destroy the entire ecosystem. If World War III were to take place, advanced and dangerous weapons of mass destruction would be used with great ease. The horrors of World War I and World War II were like hurricanes. But World War III will be a catastrophe, in which only nuclear weapons will be used. This is happening if toxic gas is released! Thousands of miles away, war is raging and we are sitting here and falling under the influence of that poisonous gas! In short, if World War III were to take place, it would be so catastrophic that in the sixth hour of the hour, millions of people would have succumbed to death wherever they were; Billions of people will become disabled and destitute. The entire fauna, flora and fauna will be engulfed in the flames of war. Hundreds of towns, shrines, cultural centers, buildings and dams will be demolished. Trade, art and religion will all be unveiled in the last fifty years. Grain, water, and air will become so polluted that man cannot use them. Countries like India will not be able to remain completely neutral in this World War like in the Second World War and it will not have any effect. This is because no one is likely to escape the effects of atomic dust and toxic gases. If a third nuclear war were to take place, it would turn the tide on the unparalleled achievements and success of human beings and the vita as well as the culture would become extinct. Thus the 'Vasandhav Battlefield' will be created, and the creation created from zero will be found in zero. Indeed, the third world war will ring the death knell of the earth and some have even said that when World War IV is played, only arrows and stones will be used; Because once again mankind will start kneeling from its original wild state !!!